Are you discouraged by problems you’ve been experiencing with dentures? We offer a solution unique to your needs—implant supported dentures. With this solution, your dentures are stabilized in your mouth with dental implants so you can enjoy a more secure smile and better function. Implant supported dentures eliminate many of the complications associated with removable dentures that leave you feeling embarrassed or in pain. Let our expert oral surgeons solve these problems and help you regain a better quality of life with implant supported dentures. Schedule your first consultation with us today to see how we can help!
Dental implants are comparable to natural tooth roots, so when placed in your jawbone, they provide a secure foundation to which your denture can attach. You’ll notice a significant change in the stability and strength of your teeth once secured to the dental implants, giving you better chewing power, no risk for shifting or loosening, and an overall improved sense of self-confidence! Best of all, you may never need to use denture pastes or adhesives again, as dental implants provide a permanently secure bite.
Our oral surgeons are skilled in dental implant surgery and have helped thousands of patients gain a secure and confident smile with implants supported dentures. Guided by our advanced technology, we’ll place two or more dental implant strategically into your jawbone. With maximized support from your healthy bone, they will fuse into your jaw and create a stable base for your denture. By retrofitting your denture to fit onto your implants, we can provide secure teeth able to improve how you eat and speak. Your denture problems don’t have to be a part of your day-to-day life. We can permanently improve how you look, feel, and function with implant supported dentures!
242 Main Street
Amesbury, MA 01913
New Patients: (603) 274-9268
Current Patients: (978) 388-7500
Dental Website By Progressive Dental